【JIOHS】Call for Papers: Special Issue on Bio-photonics in Neuroscience and Brain Diseases
Call for Papers
Special Issue on Bio-photonics in Neuroscience and Brain Diseases
Call for Papers: Attributed to significant advancement in laser technology over the past decades, innovation of bio-photonics has made profound contributions to all aspects of neuroscience and fundamental research of brain diseases. Emerging tools and concepts based on light, such as Molecular nonlinear optics, Large FOV light sheet microscopy, Deep tissue adaptive imaging, Genetically manipulating optogenetics and many others, are providing full range of capabilities for investigating brain and dysfunction of brain. This special issue calls for the experts in all cutting-edge field of bio-photonics, who are pushing the limit of photonics to study brain and pursuing treatment of brain diseases. Original research papers and review articles that discuss most recent breakthroughs and their potential impacts in various research fields are both welcome. Manuscripts will be internationally peer-reviewed. Topics we specifically seek to cover include:
Development of emerging optical tools to visualize brain clearly with molecular information.
Development of new targeting probes and labeling strategies for neuroscience
Cutting-edge optical capability of manipulating neural activity, and optical methodology to observe fast brain dynamics and functions
Research on brain diseases and their intervention
Submission deadline: June 30, 2017
Planned publication date: September 2017
Submission format: Manuscripts can be prepared using either MS-Word or Latex. For more details, please visit http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/jiohs
JIOHS is indexed by SCI. JIOHS has been an open-access journal since 2013.
Publication Charge:
No article-processing charge if your article is invited by the guest editor.
USD350 if your article is not invited by the guest editor and has been accepted for inclusion in this special issue after peer review.
Feature Editor:
Prof. Ping Wang
Britton Chance Center for Biomedical Photonics
Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO)
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Wuhan 430074, P. R. China
E-mail: p_wang@hust.edu.cn