At 8:00 am, May 25 2013, the 6th International Photonics and OptoElectronics Meetings (POEM 2013) grandly opened at Room A101 & A301, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO). POEM 2013, co-organized by WNLO and Optical Society of America (OSA), includes two OSA Topical Meetings-- Advanced Optoelectronics for Energy and Environment (AOEE) and Nanophotonics, Nanoelectronics and Nanosensor (N3). About 300 registrants from all over the world such as America, Australia, Canada, Japan, Germany, korea, Hong Kong, etc. are attracted to attend the conference, including world top experts, technicians, outstanding entrepreneurs, investors, chief editors and researchers. Totally, 254 talks were arranged on POEM 2013, including 92 invited, 43 contributed and 117 poster presentations. The accepted papers will be published electronically by OSA, excellent ones are encouraged to be re-written and extended in full text to recommended Frontier of Optoelectronics (FOE).
Elizabeth A. Rogan, Chief Executive Officer of Optical Society of America, and QingmingLuo, Executive Deputy Director of WNLO and Vice President of Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech. made their addresses on the opening Ceremony. Dr. Elizabeth A. Rogan gave the general information about OSA, its publications, memberships and meetings including POEM 2013, which is co-organized with WNLO. Prof. QingmingLuo made the speech on introducing WNLO, Wuhan·Optics Valley of China (OVC) and POEM 2013’s chairs, plenary speakers, papers and important events.

The opening ceremony is followed by the plenary Sessions. Prof. Martin Green from Univ. of New South Wales (talk title: Nanomaterials for Photovoltaics), Prof. Chennupati Jagadish from Australian National Univ. (talk title: III-V Compound Semiconductor Nanowires for Optoelectronic Applications), C. P. Wong from George Institute of Technology (talk title: Nano Etching via Metal-assisted Chemical Etching (MaCE) for Through Silicon Via (TSV) Stacked Chips Application) and Prof. Edward H. Sargent from University of Toronto (talk title: Engineering Solar Cells using Colloidal Quantum Dots) gave the plenary presentations respectively.

Zhong Lin Wang from WNLO and Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) and Yi-Bing Cheng from WNLO and Monash University (Australia) chaired the opening ceremony and plenary sessions.

From 13:30 in the afternoon, technical sessions of AOEE and N3 were taken place parallelly at the six meeting rooms. 14 invited speakers including Prof. Mario Dagenais, Prof. WenzhongShen, Prof. Guozhong Cao, Prof. Liming Dai gave presentations at AOEE and 13 speakers including Prof. Sanjay Mathur, Prof. Yu-LunChueh, Prof. Baojun Li, Prof. Jr-Hau He and Prof. ShumingNie were invited to make speeches at N3. Totally, 92 invited presentations are expected to be made during POEM 2013. Topics of interest for AOEE included Solar Cells, Printed Optoelectronics and Energy Storage Devices, and N3’s topics are Micro-Nanofabrication and characterization Technologies, Nanophotonics and energy sciences and Nanosensors and flexible electronics.

From 15:00-16:00, poster sessions were held at Building F2, Center for Nanoscale Characterization & Devices of WNLO. 58 poster papers from AOEE and 59 from N3 were presented. During this session, presenters stated their latest research achievements and discussed the related issues with the attendees who had interests. All the poster papers were evaluated by Program Committee Members and 10 best papers (5 of AOEE and 5 of N3) were selected.
Welcome Reception began at 18:30, during which, 10 winners of best student papers were awarded by the conference chairs Prof. Yi-Bing Cheng, Prof. Mario Dagenais, Prof. Zhong Lin Wang and Dr. Elizabeth A. Rogan. Chinese traditional featured performances took on during the reception.

At 8:00 am. May 26, member of Chinese Academy of Science, Prof. Shuit-Tong Lee, from Soochow University and City University of Hong Kong, delivered a keynote report entitled Silicon Nanostructures for Energy Applications. Six parallel technical sessions were held respectively and completed at 16:00.
In addition, some special activities were organized during the conference. Attendees had access to the visits of the exhibition center of WNLO, HUST history museum, HC SemiTEK Corporation and the pedestrian street of OVC on May 24, and if they want, they could join the Yangtze River cruise at May 26 night. It aims to provide participants with more social opportunities of exchanging ideas, and various experience in scientific, technological as well as cultural developments of Wuhan. POEM 2013 student volunteers with high enthusiasm, playing Chinese traditional and exotic style instruments and presenting the improvisational performance, created the most exciting part of the cruise and at the same time, brought POEM 2013 to a successful close.
POEM 2013’s success is of great significance to the developments of frontier of research and industry in the fields of optics and photonics of OVC.